Life is about more than what holds you back
When your body and brain aren’t functioning at their best, every part of your life suffers. CHI Massage Therapy wants to help you get back to what is truly important - your life.
Be Your Best YOU
with Medical Massage Therapy
Whatever is holding you back, CHI Massage Therapy can help you get back to your life. CHI’s licensed and trained technicians understand how your muscles work, and how proper care of your muscles can contribute to your overall wellness plan. Schedule a free consultation to discuss how we can help you be your best you.
Chronic Pain
Frozen Shoulder
and more
Your body works
hard for you
Show it some love
Give your body the care it needs for you to move better, think clearer, and feel better. Self-care isn’t selfish! Don’t wait until your body is hurting! Show yourself some love with a relaxing massage.
Don't let the pain hold you back and get back to work with CHI Massage Therapy.
To whom it will surely concern
“I would like to share my appreciation for Cat Carnell and her healthcare operation, CHI Massage Therapy. Many indulge in the luxury of massage on a regular basis and for many different reasons. Massage therapy is not often if ever, a luxury... it can easily be the difference between being able to move effectively and efficiently or not. There are also those who practice massage therapy for a living but are able only to go through the motions by rote. Though technically an acronym, the ‘chi’ in Ms. Carnell’s business name is quite apropos. A relevant description of her practice being “Tai Chi Massage Therapy is an intuitive therapy led by the internal energy ('chi') skills of the practitioner...”
and I would like to point out that Ms. Carnell’s ‘chi’ is the most refined and effective that I have encountered in my 72 years. After an unfortunate incident resulting in nerve interruption to my lower extremities and the ensuing strain to my arms and shoulders to compensate, I experienced multiple and nearly continuous musculature constraints that inhibited my ability to move correctly, including my efforts involving physical therapy. It took a few visits to break through the ’armor’ but with each visit, I found an unerring ability on Ms. Carnell’s part to locate and treat the elements that were causing the problem. After a significant time of seeing little or no improvement last year, over the last few months with regular visits to CHI, I have gone from hobbling around on a cane, sometimes in a wheelchair, and barely able to lift a cup of coffee, to walking without a cane for significant periods of time and enjoying more natural motion in my arms. Therapeutic massage is intrinsically a ‘no pain, no gain’ environment but if you have to endure it, I recommend CHI Massage Therapy for your path to future physical effectiveness!”
Best regards from,
Tim Leonard
Solar Thermal Power Systems, LLC