What Does a Fit Person Look Like?

What does a fit and healthy person look like to you? What comes to your mind? Someone who eats healthy every day? Someone who runs? Someone who has very strong self-control?

Have you ever told yourself, “Ok, I am ready to become healthy and fit! I just need to go and get a gym membership.” You may be ready to change because you are getting tired of being in pain all the time, or there is that little black dress you have been trying to fit into again, or you are trying to avoid losing a limb from diabetes. Whatever the reason, you have made a conscious decision to take control of your health. However, you find yourself not ever making it to the gym to sign up for a membership, or maybe you have but have not been able to keep up with it and end up sleeping in or going straight home.

Have you ever thought about what your image is of a fit and healthy person? This person may be

  • a runner

  • a health nut

  • a gym rat

  • strong self-control

  • has energy for days

  • has healthy habits

  • can say no to cake

  • eats like a bird

  • does not snack…ever

  • was born healthy, strong, and energetic

  • does all of the above with ease

  • a winner at everything they do

Does that sound about what they seem or look like to you?

Now, going back to you trying to sign up for the membership; your subconscious thoughts tell you you are none of the above. You don’t want to say no to cake all the time, you don’t want to stop snacking, and you do not have the control it takes to achieve the image you have of this fit and healthy person. At this point, you have already lost sight of what you want for yourself, because you are not good enough.

What is the truth? This image of your perfect healthy and fit person is something that was put together from the moment you were born. You watched your parents struggle and you heard them talk about how these people were born that way and we were not built to be so athletic. The words you have heard from them or other family members or friends have concocted an imaginary person that fits the label: fit and healthy; something that is very far away from your reach. It gives you anxiety just thinking about it.

Fact is, you do not have to be any of the above to achieve this goal. You can still be fit and healthy and eat chocolate cake every so often or snack everyday. Believe it or not, people who look like they may eat like a bird actually eat a lot. Some of those people who sound like they have extreme self-control struggle with thoughts of eating deep-fried food all the time. You have no idea what their story is to get to where they are. There are lots of people who have done lots of good things because they thought they were going to die.

I talk about this mindset because I have struggled with the thought of having a successful business. I started my business in 2016 and many things scared me. I picked this book up thinking it was going to talk about how to make money and be successful. It did teach me how to make money, but I had no idea what I was getting myself into. It asked me what a wealthy woman looked like.

My answer:

  • Snobby

  • wears white (Because they are too good to sit on the ground.)

  • wears expensive clothes to show off her wealth

  • loves brand bags and purses

  • wears lots of makeup because she is fake

  • has her nose up in the air because she is too good for anyone who crosses her path

  • hoards money and time because she doesn’t want to share anything she busted her ass to get

  • goes to the spa and barks orders

Then she talks about my subconscious telling me I can’t be wealthy because I am none of the above. However, the term wealthy is such a broad term. You can have wealth in so many things. It does not necessarily mean money. Also, I can still be humble, wear black, wear clothes from Goodwill, not love brands, purses, or bags, not wear a lot of makeup, etc, even if I were wealthy with money.

This book has changed my personal life and my life as an entrepreneur. I highly encourage you all to pick this book up and see what good you can bring out of it. You deserve this!


Coloring Madness


Good Doggie