I’m Losing Control!!!
Ask yourself: What can I do about it? Do I have any control over the situation?
We have faced a lot of challenges, stressors, and losses in the year 2020. There was much to be fearful of and even though it has been one full year since COVID became a thing, from what was nothing but a whisper to an emergency situation worldwide, we are still battling COVID-19 into 2021.
Whatever our beliefs may be because there are MANY, there is one thing that does not change: we are in this together. No matter how we look at it, we can always see that “each other” is all we have. We have to be there for each other more than ever as well as be much more careful for ourselves than ever.
We have to help those who are down with depression or sickness, we have to depend on others for things as simple as groceries. We have to be on our toes with who we can or cannot trust, especially against scammers online and over the phone.
I am bringing this up because I had to call Comcast the other day. I was calling to see if there was any help they could provide, due to the fact that I am not using my office at all from the mandated shutdown and so I won’t be able to pay. I could have been angry from the frustration of being shut down and worried about the loss of income. But is that the representative’s fault? No, so when he answered and asked how my day was, I told him my day was fantastic and asked how his day was. He hesitated because nobody had asked him that since his shift started and it was still only 8 am. He was so grateful! He thanked me for putting a smile on his face.
No matter the challenges that come your way, instead of focusing on the bad things that are happening, ask yourself: what can I do about it? Is there an action you can work on to make the situation better? If there is, great!! If it is something completely out of your control, think about what is, in fact, in your control.
For example, during the first shutdown, which lasted 2 months for me, there was nothing I could do for my business. However, I kept myself relevant to my clients by staying available for any help they may have needed to stay pain-free. That was not enough to keep me busy, though, and I knew that before the shutdown even started. So I decided to take advantage of the time I suddenly had and wrote a book, which is still in the works. I was forced into this, but it was the best decision I made for this time. I have had the opportunity to take a very therapeutic journey that would not have happened without the existence of my first book. I also learned a lot about my ancestors.
The second shutdown gave me time that I needed desperately to touch up my house since we decided to buy a new house. Side note: I know it is an interesting time to put so much effort into such a big investment. My husband and I realized how much money we would be saving by selling our house and paying off the credit card debt we accumulated. With the money that frees up, we will be able to afford a bigger home, which we need. If this could be you, look into what your home is worth in conjunction with the amount of debt you have! We never looked at our house as a debt relief until a friend did it and told us all about it. I hope I help someone today with this simple fact if nothing else!
(If you ever had a cat, this picture will make sense)
My point is the shutdown was no doubt painful, but it was also a gift. If I did not let myself tear my focus away from the financial pain it was causing me, I would have never taken notice of this gift. Makes me think of all the times I had let myself go crazy over things I have no control over and the possible gifts I may have missed.
My challenge for you is to give yourself permission to put your focus on things you can control and away from what you can’t control. Also to spread cheer as opposed to spreading your pain. You will thank yourself in the future and that representative over the phone will thank you for it as well.
What can I do about it and do I have any control over the situation?