Who is Paws and Stripes?
Did you know that I cannot walk into a pound without crying? I walked into one once, back in 2009. I walked back out so quick! I couldn’t handle it! I had no idea how much their “voices” would grip my heart so much. It was way too much for me. All I could think was “If I could take them all home I would feel better.” But of course, I was not in a spot where that was doable.
Fast forward to now, starting 8 years ago…. (Can you believe it?! It has been 8 years since I started my business?!!) I started CHI Massage Therapy, because it I had always wanted to help my fellow veterans as well as people with childhood trauma. I went through childhood trauma which I have worked on extensively and wanted to help people through massage and share what worked for me.
With that said, I clearly love people and animals…. for those who know how much I hate people, you better keep this to yourself…
I have heard of Paws and Stripes and all I thought was “oh, another organization that helps veterans by training dogs.” Usually the dogs are picked from a breeder and they train them from puppy stage. Which is a great idea! It is easier to train a puppy as they grow. I have always been curious about them, but never made an effort to get to know them because I just thought they were like the rest.
Well, a rep found me and was interested in getting to know me since I work with veterans and am a veteran myself! They offered to give me a tour of their facility and of course I had to accept it! Now my curiosity will be fulfilled! I was very much impressed with their vision and what the stand for.
They say they “saving two lives at a time.” What does that mean? It is not only the veteran they care about, it is also the dog. They specifically pair the veteran with a dog from a shelter. When a veteran approaches them looking for a service dog, they get several dogs from a shelter and have the veteran interact with each of them, with no pressure to pick one out of that batch. They will keep getting other sheltered dogs until the veteran feels that connection with that dog. Apparently, the representatives and see the connection when it happens and it really pulls on their heartstrings…. Isn’t that just beautiful!
With that said, they literally help a dog as they help a veteran and, therefore, they “help 2 at a time”.
Once the veteran finds “his/her” dog, the training process begins. Because the dog is not a puppy and has its own trauma to deal with, training is not as easy as training a puppy. Also, the trainer is not training the dog, but teaching the veteran how to train the dog. If you think about it this is an amazing process. Yes, it is more complicated, but you can imagine the outcome. The dog does not have to go through multiple handlers until they get to their veteran. The veteran the dog felt the connection with will forever be its home from that point on.
When I saw what they were about, I fell in love. What an organization!! What an amazing cause! I can’t do much for them, but I can share their story and spread their mission to others. I certainly do I hope I can make a difference by being a connector.
According to a pamphlet, I literally have in front of me as I type, there are two programs they run; the Veteran Service Dog Program and the Companion Animal Program.
Veteran Service Dog Program:
This program is very intense and extensive and lasts an entire year. This is because it is more for those with disabilities and need assistance, such as opening doors and/or other tasks.
Companion Animal Program:
This program is for those who are looking for basic obedience training and bonding with your dog.
They also have workshops for veterans themselves:
CogSMART: for those who have TBI or suffer from memory loss.
Forgiveness Workshop: for those who wants to improve physical and mental health.
Self Esteem Workshop: for those who wants to learn how to manage their anxiety and depression.
Anger Management": for those who need support in their struggle with anger.Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
Ongoing workshops:
Seeking safety: for PTSD and Substance abuse.
Pawsitive Life Group: a Support group for survivors of suicide and suicide loss.
Dialectical Behavioral Therapy: something like congnitive behavioral therapy.
Women’s Veterans Group: for trauma and issues women veterans experience.
They also have social events for those who have graduated and or are currently training with Paws and Stripes. You can take a look at their website for what is currently scheduled.
Here are some stats from 2023:
88 individuals and loved ones served (saving lives two at a time)
$0 cost to the veterans and their loved ones
1,000 individual therapy hours
150 workshop hours
90% of service dogs are rescued locally
61 education events including 22 suicide prevention trainings
$.81 of every dollar went directly to programs
As you well know, I already have too much on my plate, but I would LOVE to somehow be part of their team. Of course I will donate where I can, however, I decided to connecting them to people I am already connected to will do a lot of good for them, the veterans they serve, and the dogs they save.
Would you like to be a donor? or help in someway? Go to their website or call them and have a conversation!